Greyface Games is an Indie studio based in the UK creating games and related works primarily in our own universe; Discordian Tales.
Our games are set in a diverse, exciting, and expansive modern/medieval world of engaging humanoid and anthropomorphic characters with rich backstories and personalities in immersive locations and settings.
We create stories with detailed lore and a heavy focus on accessibility, equality, and a firm belief in seeing beyond traditional and often negative clichés and tropes.
The real world is nuanced, and it is generally only our point of view that defines what we consider ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, or ‘normal’.
We want our games to address that, and create a more balanced and fair real world through the stories in our fantasy world.
The world we’ve created features custom economy, government, religion and calendar systems with a focus on intuitive and fully interactive environments to allow for different player styles, experiences, and replay value.